Link To The World: A Unique Residence Design

Connecting Spaces and People

Home is a starting point for everyone before walking toward the world. It is a transition for the owner who just left his parent's house and bought his own in his 30s. Hoping the space becomes another starting point, through the connection and interaction with different people - a home that linked himself to the world.

Within this limited space, aRctualize Lab. has created a unique residence design that breaks away from traditional norms. The design team has sacrificed the regular TV wall setup and instead imported the idea of 'link to the world' onto the wall, turning it into a feature at the entry. Inspired by the night view of the world, the team used digital fabrication to create a graphic map on the wall. Each spot on the map represents where people have interaction and where the light shines at night. The size of the hole indicates the activity and density of people in that location. Additionally, acrylic marks are placed on the map to represent the places the owner has visited, twinkling with the stories that connect him to the world.

The graphic on the wall is created through laser cutting on a metal board, giving it a modern and high-tech feel that reflects the owner's identity as a young engineer. The design team has also focused on creating a comfortable and flexible space. Despite measuring only 35 square meters, the room is designed to be adaptable for different situations. It can serve as a cozy home for the owner's alone time, or the sliding partitions can be used to divide the space for different functions. The design allows for a larger group to gather as well, fulfilling various purposes within the limited space.

The design project took place in 2019 in New Taipei City. Throughout the process, aRctualize Lab. prioritized the relationship and interaction between people. The owner's desire to feel connected to the world was at the core of the design. By transforming the world map into a representation of the interaction between people, the design team created a unique feature that embraces the owner into this active world. After a long day, coming back home to see the light glimmering out from the world map provides a sense of reflection and connection.

The design presented several challenges. Balancing the stability and warmth of a home while also creating opportunities for interaction with others was a creative and technical challenge. The selection of materials, such as leather and textured textiles, helped to warm up the space and counterbalance the coldness of iron and clear glass.

This unique residence design, created by aRctualize Lab., has been recognized for its ingenuity and creativity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2020. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that incorporate best practices in art, science, design, and technology, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: I-TE YEH
Image Credits: I-TE YEH
Project Team Members: Aalto Yeh
Project Name: Link To The World
Project Client: I-TE YEH

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Link To The World IMG #5

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